St. Pius X Church
Crumlish and Crumlish designed this worship facility for 900 people in a fast-growing suburban community.
Dedicated in 1991 at a cost of $1,950,000 the sanctuary is a study in contrast of textures -- brick, stone, wood and wrought iron. Immense masonry walls at each end of the nave support the ninety-foot long wood trusses and roof framing, creating a dramatic, but traditional appearance. Adding to the effect is magnificent 30 rank pipe organ above the altar that can fill the building with reverberant music. A daily chapel, choir room, multipurpose room and offices complete the complex.
The baptismal font and pool, that provides for both infant and adult baptism, received the 1993 Interfaith Forum on Religious Art & Architecture visual arts award.
The Chapel, Evangelical Free Church
A project that started thirty years ago with a simple, combination worship/fellowship hall, has grown over the years with two subsequent building programs to become a 20,000+ square foot complex. The current building now includes 22 classrooms, several offices, and a kitchen, in addition to the original fellowship hall.
Brendan Crumlish is proud to have been involved in the design of all three building phases for this Evangelical Free Church. While space for christian education has been the focus of the church development for the past decade, a new master plan completed in 1996 by Crumlish and Crumlish now holds the key to continued growth.

St. Joseph Catholic Church, Spring Field, IL
Crumlish and Crumlish Architects, Inc. is proud of this completed church design near Springfield, Illinois.
Created as an extension of their existing Parish Center, the new worship facility incorporates many exciting features, including seating for 700 people, two devotional chapels, and a bi-level baptismal font. The solid brick exterior walls are a visual match to the existing facility, while introducing a new limestone accent base and a soaring stucco clerestory supported on two massive, 72-foot long laminated trusses. Art glass adorns many of the magnificent windows in the building. A bride's room, meeting room, sacristy, choir room, restrooms and general storage rooms complete the facility. The project was dedicated in 2001 at a cost of $2,200,000.
Crumlish & Crumlish is involved in a number of church projects, both new and renovations. Significant projects include the Timberland Bible Church, First Presbyterian Church, and St. Pius X Catholic Church, all in Indiana; The Chapel an Evangelical Free Church in Michigan; St. Joseph Catholic Church, Chatham, Illinois; James Island United Congregational Church, James Island, South Carolina; Community Alliance Church, LaTrobe, Pennsylvania; and Ridgeview Bible Church, Chadron, Nebraska.
Ackles Parish Center Renovation, St. Joseph Church, South Bend, Indiana, 2020
Bible Baptist Church, Master Plan, Augusta, Michigan, 1994
Broadway Christian Church, Day Care Remodeling, South Bend, Indiana, 1981
Broadway Christian Church, RESTROOM Remodeling, South Bend, Indiana, 2022
Calvary Baptist Church, Facility Evaluation & Consultations, South Bend, Indiana, 2010
Calvary Baptist Church, South Seaville, New Jersey (designed but not built), 2006
Catholic Charities, Office Remodeling, South Bend, Indiana, 1974
Chapel at the lake, church and parsonage renovation, Culver, Indiana 2021
Christian Center School, Fundraising Illustrations, South Bend, Indiana, 1989
Church of God, Fundraising Illustrations, Oregon, Illinois, 1989
Community Alliance Church, LaTrobe, Pennsylvania, 2016
Faith Baptist Church, Consultation, South Bend, Indiana, 1998
Faith Baptist Church, Master PLan, Plymouth, Indiana, 2023
First AME Zion Church, Fundraising Illustrations, South Bend, Indiana, 1998
First Baptist Church, Feasibility Study, South Bend, Indiana, 2011
First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall Addition, Noblesville, Indiana, 1989
First Unitarian Church, Facility Evaluations, South Bend, Indiana 2000
First Unitarian Church, Re-roofing Consultation, South Bend, Indiana 2004
First Unitarian Church Master Plan, South Bend, Indiana, 2008
First United Methodist Church, Interior Renovation, Chesterton, Indiana, 1980
Greater New Vision Missionary Baptist Church, Church and Daycare Facility, South Bend, Indiana, 1995
Gurdawara Sikh Center, Interior Remodeling Consultation, South Bend, Indiana 2005
Hively Avenue Mennonite Church, Lighting Consultation, Elkhart, Indiana, 1995
House of Prayer Community Church, Fellowship Hall Addition, Cassopolis, Michigan, 1987
James Island United Congregational Church, James Island, South Carolina, (designed but not built) 2015
John Paul II Pastoral Center, Parish Office Remodeling, South Bend, Indiana, 2008
Kingdom Christian Center Church, Interior Remodeling, South Bend, Indiana 2002
Light of the World Spiritual Church, South Bend, Indiana, 1972
McCoy Memorial Church, Fundraising Illustrations, Benton Harbor, Michigan, 1992
Mount Olive Church, Baptistry Consultation, South Bend, Indiana, 1984
North Liberty United Methodist Church, New Entry Vestibule & Elevator, North Liberty, Indiana, 2000
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church, Baptistry Consultation, Wyandotte, Michigan, 1994
Presbyterian Chapel of the Lakes, Fundraising Model, Angola, Indiana, 1998
Presbyterian Chapel of the Lakes, Master Plan, Angola, Indiana, 1997
Presbyterian Church of LaPorte, Restroom Renovation, LaPorte, Indiana 2014
Presbyterian Church of LaPorte, Entry Renovation, LaPorte, Indiana 2014
Presbyterian Church of LaPorte, Sanctuary Lighting Renovation, LaPorte, Indiana 2014
Presbyterian Church of LaPorte, Window Replacement, LaPorte, Indiana 2015
Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Mishawaka, Indiana, 1968
Ridgeview Bible Church, Chadron, Nebraska, 2012
River of Life Family Church, Feasibility Study, South Bend, Indiana,1998
Saint's Memorial Church of God, Fundraising Model, South Bend, Indiana, 1991
Smith Chapel, Facility Evaluations, Edwardsburg, Michigan, 2001
Sorrowful Mother Catholic Church, Master Plan, Wheatfield, Indiana, 2013
Sorrowful Mother Catholic Church, Restroom Renovation, Wheatfield, Indiana, 2015
​Sorrowful Mother Catholic Church, Parish Hall Renovation, Wheatfield, Indiana 2019
St. Adalbert Catholic Church, Feasibility Study, South Bend, Indiana 2007
St. Adalbert Catholic Church, Playground Consultation, South Bend, Indiana 2007
St. Ambrose Catholic Church, Facilities Assessment, Anderson, Indiana, 2013
St. Augustine Catholic Church, Structural Consultation, South Bend, Indiana, 2008
St. Bavo Catholic Church, interior Lighting Consultation, Mishawaka, Indiana, 1988
St. Casimir Catholic Church, Day Care Remodeling, South Bend, Indiana, 1981
St. Henry Catholic Church, Facilities Assessment, Medaryville, Indiana 2013
St. John XXIII Retreat Center, Facility Assessment, Hartford City, Indiana 2013
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Chatham, Illinois 2000
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Facilities Assessment, Delphi, Indiana 2015
St. Mary Catholic Church, Facilities Assessment, Frankfort, Indiana 2014
St. Mary Catholic Church, Facilities Assessment, Muncie, Indiana, 2013
St. Mary Catholic Church, ADA Restroom Renovation, Muncie, Indiana, 2016
St. Pius X Catholic Church, Granger, Indiana, 1992
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Mechanical Systems Consultation, South Bend, Indiana 1976
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Handicap Access, South Bend, Indiana 1986
Sweet Home Baptist Church, Roofing Consultations, South Bend, Indiana 2002
Temple Beth-El, Interiors Consultation, South Bend, Indiana, 1971
The BEAcon, community space renovation, south bend, indiana 2023
The Chapel, Evangelical Free Church, Fellowship Hall, St. Joseph, Michigan, 1985
The Chapel, Evangelical Free Church, Classroom Addition, St. Joseph, Michigan, 1988
The Chapel, Evangelical Free Church, Master Plan, St. Joseph, Michigan, 1995
The Chapel, Evangelical Free Church, Classroom Addition, St. Joseph, Michigan, 1996
Timberland Bible Church, South Bend, Indiana, 1985
Trinity Episcopal Church, Exterior Masonry Renovation, Niles, Michigan, 1991
Trinity Episcopal Church, Interior Handicap Remodeling, Niles, Michigan, 1993
Trinity Episcopal Church, Re-roofing Consultation, Niles, Michigan1998
Trinity Lutheran Church, Master Plan, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1994
Trinity Lutheran Church, Fellowship Addition (designed but not built), Battle Creek, Michigan, 1996
Trinity School at Greenlawn, Elevator Addition, South Bend, Indiana, 2011
United Religious Community, Graphic Designs, St. Joseph County, Indiana, 1983
Unity of Michiana Church, (designed but not built), South Bend, Indiana 1990
Upland Evangelical Mennonite Church, Master Plan, Upland, Indiana, 1994
Zion United Church of Christ, Building Assessment, South Bend, Indiana, 2008
Zion United Church of Christ, Re-roofing Consultation, South Bend, Indiana, 2008